Hello beautifuls.. I hope you are staying safe during these unprecedented times.
Today I want to introduce you to a friend of mine.. Anxiety Annie. Some of you may be wondering if perhaps I've lost a few marbles. I can assure you I have not. I have decided that throughout some blog posts it would be easier to show you an anxious mind by separating the thoughts into two people. My own (Kendra) and Anxiety Annie. This is also allowing me more control and for me to determine how much attention I want to give to my anxiety.
Now, sometimes when I am anxious I feel like I am having this argument with myself with the reassurances and trying to tell myself the positive side of my negative thoughts. To keep myself from just rambling while being confusing, a dialogue will help keep it clearer. This dialogue has allowed me to begin self exploring of how to embrace Anxiety Annie and to learn how to converse back and forth without it being escalated. Don't get me wrong sometimes Anxiety Annie turns into Temper Tantrum Anxiety Annie and you'll get my bad with a side of ugly but that is my reality. I know that my anxiety may sometimes seem silly or unrealistic however it's been a huge learning curve in my life.
If you have an anxiety have you named it or have ways to embrace that part of you? I'd love to hear from you.
Stay tuned for these lovely conversations I have almost regularly with Anxious Annie. Take care everyone.