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How My Anxiety Holds Me Back

As I deal with my anxiety daily, I have found that it brings a lot of self doubt and fear into my life. It can be challenging to take a chance on myself when you have that voice in the back of your head constantly reminding you of your fears.

I have a few passions in my life where my friends have asked me, "Why don't you do photography full-time or why not turn your gardening into a business?"

I look at them and always make up excuses to disguise the hidden truth. The reality is I have considered those same possibilities however Anxiety Annie will say, "If you do a bad job with those photos you'll never be hired again." or "Sure, you can grow a garden but will anyone really buy from you? What happens if they complain or worse make it public on facebook that you did an awful job?"

This then leads me down the path of questioning myself which then I begin to fear taking a chance and ultimately it goes nowhere.

It can really take a toll mentally to know that I'm allowing my anxiety to hold me back. I'm very aware that I'm allowing it to take control.. It just seems so much safer to not take that chance and sit behind in the shadows. That being said, I know I have potential in many other aspects in my life which I try to focus on instead. Even though my anxiety holds me back from taking a chance on a few things I don't allow it to hold me back entirely. I recognize than I need to work on this and to continue growing in the confidence of me but that doesn't happen overnight.

Ultimately, I can continue my journey on learning and growing but it will take me time and who knows.. perhaps down the road I will take a chance on my passion and if I fail I'll be at the right stage where I can accept that and move on. Who knows, it could become a huge success and instead I'll kick myself in the butt over not doing it sooner but that story is still in the works. (Side note: I've taken a huge leap with writing this blog and even though I know that it probably won't develop into much more than what it is.. it's given me the growth and encouragement I'm looking for in overcoming my anxiety from holding me back. It's amazing how journaling has really helped me feel at peace on so many topics or issues in my life and sharing it is one of those issues.)

If you are struggling with your anxiety holding you back know that you aren't alone. This all takes time and patience but you can do it too.

" Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back"

-Babe Ruth

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