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Creating An Outlet

As a small child, my father used to always tell me, "Kendra you are my little story teller."

This always sat with me over my childhood and going into adult hood. I've always taken great comfort in reading novels, blogs, sitting with friends or family and having in depth conversations. All of this leads me to today and why I've decided to embark on the journey of blogging. It is that creative outlet I've strived for where I can share my experiences and thoughts about topics.. specifically with mental health and what I deal with but also other passions of mine. Over the years I couldn't tell you how much I would turn to the internet to see if anyone else feels the way I do about anxiety, relationships, parenting and so many other topics. I felt a void at many different times in my life that the people I had around me weren't understanding me with what was going on in my life.. now is that true? It probably was more my anxiety thoughts steering me towards doubt. This happens to me very often but I can admit that just reading someone else's story would give me that feeling of "I AM NOT ALONE" which sometimes is what I needed.

Through the blogs I write, I am trying to be very mindful not to just rant or go on and on but to be more insightful and in tune with my thoughts and emotions. I strive to not bore anyone and I do apologize if I do but rather give some comfort.. or a laugh (even though I'm not sure how funny I actually am). There is also a trend throughout my posts you may notice or may not but I'd like to explain myself anyways. I do not want to share my identity or my families names. I do want to be sincere and honest about my story but that's just it.. MY STORY. I don't want to regret hurting anyone in the process or embarrassing my children or husband. I struggle immensely with people's perception of me and this is something I am working very hard on overcoming but in the mean time I'd rather just be able to express myself without going public with my identity. Writing has been very helpful with getting my thoughts out of my head with a healthy outlet.

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